Monday, February 18, 2013

Find files which are older than 15 minutes in Linux and Solaris..

The below example is for moving (mv) files, same can be changes easily for rm, ls, cp etc. One has to make change in xargs paramaeter.


find /path_to_directory/ -name "*.rpt" -type f -mmin +15 | xargs -I {} mv {} /target_directory_path/

In Solaris:

#! /usr/bin/sh

#### Create a reference file minute_test
touch /path_to_directory/minute_test

#### Make minute_test 15 minutes old
sleep 900

#### Move all .rpt files to some other directory which are older than reference file minute_test
find /path_to_directory/ -name "*.rpt" -type f -newer minute_test | xargs -I {} mv {} /target_directory_path/

#### Remove reference file
rm -f /path_to_directory/minute_test


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