Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mount ISO image in Linux

Getting a lot of emails regarding mounting ISOs in linux. Please use the following steps in order to mount the image to FS.

Procedure to mount ISO images in Linux.

1) Login as a root user:
$ su -

2) Create a mount point:
# mkdir -p /mnt/disk

3) Mount iso file called mountthisdisk.iso:
# mount -o loop mountthisdisk.iso /mnt/disk

4) Verify it:
# cd /mnt/disk
# ls -l

In case you have not noticed "loop" in the mount command, let me tell you that A loop device is a pseudo-device that makes a file accessible as a block device. Loop devices are often used for CD ISO images and floppy disc images. Mounting a file containing a filesystem via such a loop mount makes the files within that filesystem accessible. They appear in the mount point directory using above commands.

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